A Spark in My Holidays.

I got these two books as an early Christmas gift and I’m really, really happy to have them.


They are two books I’ve been wanting to get for a long time. Will Grayson, Will Grayson was a book that a good friend of mine has been telling me to read and I Am Number Four: The Lost Files was something I’ve been looking forward to reading since I await the book after The Rise of Nine. There is nothing better for me to receive than novels for Christmas or for any occasion (well, unless those gifts are gadgets or money… Haha!).

This just a little update that’s got me smilin’ like crazy. I love getting new books!




A Nervous Feel…

…is currently running down my spine. My mentor asked for my permission to let one of his friends, who is more experienced in writing and may have a lot opinions, read my manuscript. Of course, I said “yes”, but I’m a bit anxious of what he could say about my amateur work. I’m totally getting myself ready for any negative feedback, which I’m expecting to be present, a lot.

Well, I’m back to school and I can already feel the stress of requirements and expectations of professors. The creative spirit in me is beginning to prowl around my mind. I’m bound to be back into writing, which I have to juggle.

So far, I think I’ll be making posts on Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sunday, as a temporary blogging schedule.

Let’s do what we live for, making art. Let’s be inspired.

I’m off to do some schoolwork!



Easter Bunny!

Easter usually reminds me of my religious obligations, but they also remind me of family reunions in the past and most of all, my childhood. Easter egg hunts, chocolate eggs & bunnies, and Peeps marshmallows were the highlight of my Easter.

I haven’t had a Peeps marshmallow in almost 10 years, because I haven’t found any here in my part of the world. Yes, I’m 20 and I still crave for those colorful marshmallows.

Happy Easter and light, fluffy inspiration to everyone!

