How I Wish…

…I was actually bored these past two days. I was working on my report since Saturday and only finished last night. It took a while because I had to make a presentation and being as indecisive as I really am, I made a PowerPoint and a Prezi. Haha. Sue me for being too OC, but at least I finished it all.

I’m a bit annoyed that I could not get any writing done. I actually miss working on my stories and I’m craving to do so. But of course, even though I’m aspiring to be a published author one day, I have to focus on my schoolwork. I think I have nothing to do today, but I’m sure something will come up (and just as I’m writing this, things are coming to mind).

I’m still starting on The Psychology of Creative Writing, but here’s a writing tip (from Writing Tools).

Build your work around a key question.

It’s the real reason why you are writing a story. You don’t start something that goes in random directions and with no end in sight. That’s what we have real life for. I’ve been wondering about how series novels go. It appears that they have a key question that runs throughout all parts of the series. It’s obvious in some, while hidden in others. Is it okay to change key questions as the series continues? Does that mess up the readers?

Well, let’s just make sure we’re not writing all over the place.

I’ll be posting this weekend, I hope. I have a lot on my plate this week.

Inspire and be inspired!



What Happened?

That is one question I’ve been asking myself whenever I think about my little blog. Well, I did not really fulfill my personal goal  in posting as often or at all. I completely neglected the month of January, but not to worry, it was not as eventful as I hoped. I’ve been getting back to writing a lot, but now I have to focus more on school work.

I haven’t received any reply from the place I sent my query, which stated that they reply to all queries and if they haven’t replied then they’re still considering it. That would be a nice thought to have if I did not have that paranoid feeling that I messed up the process somehow and my query became invalid (or spam because I sent an e-mail).

There are other prospects I’m planning to query, but I’m giving this first one about two months before I send new ones out. By the way, it’s already been more than a month since I sent it in.

Well, because I’ve been so neglectful, here’s a writing tip!

Prefer the simple over the technical.

It just means to use shorter words, sentences, and paragraphs when you’re at points of complexity. It helps avoid getting everything jumbled up in a mash of letters and words. This also reminds us that readers don’t want mile-long sentences that make them fall asleep halfway through. Having short, crisp sentences help with the speed as well. It’s hard to read (or even write) fast-paced scenes when you get too technical. The thrill is lost and it feels like a chore to read.

Hope that could help some new writers, who tend to overwrite things. Don’t worry, I suffered the same flaw when I started writing seriously a couple years ago.

Speaking of years, this little blog of mine is turning a year old soon, which by far, is the LONGEST I have ever maintained a blog. That and the fact that I managed to remember my password, so that I could keep on posting. I guess being a writer, or aspiring to be one, has helped me push out whatever I’m feeling and actually get motivated to blogging about it.

Be inspired everyone! I’ll do my best and post more!

