Little Updates.

I finally have 50 followers on this baby blog of mine. This is the longest I’ve been able to go in maintaining a blog since high school, which was only two or three months. I’m very thankful for my followers. I get to voice out things to a little bit of the world’s population and someone will always come round to reading it.

My apologies for not posting anything substantial lately. I will get around to my book review of The Casual Vacancy, I promise. I’m looking for the right words to say after encountering a story like that one. It was my first time reading and finishing something adult-based or with mostly adult themes. Even though I’m 21, I’m still a complete sucker for fantasy or anything with a good adventure-based plot. I always believe you’re never too old for fiction.

As I am writing this post, I am at 17,194 words on my NaNoWriMo entry. Like I said before, this is my first time and I’m a little shaky on things. From my last post, I told everyone I was behind on things. I was able to catch up a lot, but then now, I feel a little behind today. According to the very informative Stats page, I need to achieve a word count of 18,333 words before midnight. I feel pressured to do so and I feel bad that I’m only at 17,194 words (but I keep telling myself I shouldn’t feel that way). I end up giving myself a failed pep talk or actually writing a whole lot. This time, I hope it’s the latter, even with less than 5 hours until midnight.

I will come up with writing advice soon. I’ve been reading books that improve writing skills and there are some handy tips to make your stories smoother. I will share them soon (or when I remember to do that).

Good luck writers!

Be inspired!

Love what you do.




Well, I’m bummed that I’m behind on my NaNoWriMo entry, but I’m worried I won’t finish in time. I am currently making up for about 6,000 words with only 1,500 words from 2-3 hours of writing. I’m glad I don’t have any scheduled classes for the next four days so I’m sure to catch up.

Good luck writers! Keep on writing!

Be inspired!



NaNoWriMo Update!

How is everyone and your bubbling novels-to-be?

My novel writing for the month has been going well after two days. I’m doing my best to stay above the average number of words we need per day. It helps to stay on track, especially when there will be days I won’t be able to write enough. I didn’t really plan this novel I’m working on, but I’m surprised how easily the story is coming out.

Did you guys take a lot of time to plan it or are you just winging it like I am?

I’m just wishing everyone the best of luck and inspiration for this month of vigorous writing. It will be worth the challenge. Just believe you can make it.



The Morning After.

Well, Halloween is officially over from where I am in the world.

My Halloween To-Do List:

  1. Eat chocolates… Check!
  2. Eat roasted marshmallows… Not Check!
  3. Eat popcorn… Not Check!
  4. Watch a scary movie… Not Check!

I only got 1 out of 4 right? It’s kind of sad really, but in reality, not so much. I did get started on my NaNoWriMo entry. I felt a flurry of creativity as soon as I saw the clock hit zero. It was a total rush. I hope many, if not all, of the NaNoWriMo writers out there will reach the 50,000 mark. All may be a big feat, but if everyone who joined is dedicated it’s possible. I will do my very best to reach that 50,000 mark. I need a second manuscript done and maybe this will be the big push I need to accomplish that.

How is everyone doing? Hope all the writers (NaNoWriMo & Non-NaNoWriMo) out there are doing what they love to do. Writing can never be a chore, but an expression of your true self.

Be inspired and inspire others!



On All Hallow’s Eve

Yes, every post is most likely to be about this ghoulish holiday, but I’m not really focused on that at the moment (maybe a little later).

It is also the day before NaNoWriMo begins and I think I will be joining and finishing. This is going to be my first attempt and I’m a bit shaken up. It’s all about setting goals and loving the idea you have in mind. I’m also not too keen on joining the threads and forums at the moment, even though I want to. I am fully aware of my old post on the anonymity of the internet and how it provides a free ticket to confidence and self-building for introverts, like myself. Honestly, I’m terrified with what reactions I might get if I post anything there. It’s childish, I know, but I still feel that way.

I know I gotta build up the strength to be more open to others freely. It will greatly help me in making friends and reaching my goal to get 50,000 words uploaded in my entry for this month long writing spree. I’m positive at one point (or maybe even more) I will be needing help and ideas. I’m hoping to get a great experience out of this. This will be hard for me to juggle with my classes, but I will get more done before school starts.

Is anyone joining NaNoWriMo? Maybe we can be Writing Buddies? My NaNoWriMo username is pagechanger22.

Now, on a different note…

Is anyone or everyone excited with Halloween? Do horror writers love this holiday like I imagine? This is a night of creativity and the sky is the limit when it comes to the written world. We see weird and odd costumes up and about and they may all inspire something in our creative spirits. I enjoyed Halloween as a kid and I still do. I now crave to stuff myself with sweets, but that’s not totally feasible. I could get away with it as a kid, but not so as an adult.

Happy Halloween!

Happy writing for NaNoWriMo writers! The climb begins tomorrow! 😀

Always be inspired!

