By The Looks of Things.

I guess I am starting to manage things well with schoolwork, writing, and blogging. Although my persistently high stress level is always with me, I’m finding little ways to get things done.

Unfortunately, or must I say fortunately, my phone was on the verge of breaking down and was constantly giving me a hard time. My parents decided to get me a new one, an android one. I now have apps on my phone that help me get some writing and reading done while I’m on the go. I never have to worry now whenever I get a sudden idea I need to write down. This is a blessing for me, since my stress levels were not pretty.

I’ve been able to get tiny bits of stress off me with these mini writing breaks (a break where I write some fiction for a while, not a break from writing fiction) and it feels good. I’ve got better creative flow and when it comes to juggling all the schoolwork, my body decided not to take a dive in the ill pool.

Life will definitely put you in a rut and it will keep doing that whenever you get out of it. We just have to be persistent. It is okay to feel weak or uninspired sometimes, because we were wired to feel these things too.

Be inspired and be positive!

